airport in nepal

Kathmandu. The international airport in the next two years Bhairahawa Buddha is coming into operation. It is seen as an alternative to the Tribhuvan International Airport.
Pokhara has started construction of an international airport in the region. The next four years, the airport will come into operation is described. Similarly, Nijgharh is another international airport is being build.
In due time, the work would be completed by 2020, will be in operation in Nepal, three international airports. Tribhuvan International Airport in Kathmandu the next two years will end only rely on the state.
After three of the major economic activities in the airport operation thrive, how they grow? This airport is connected to service capital-focused economic activity daibharsiphikesana bring what? Medically, the international airport outside experts to conduct economic activities in the capital khumcaumcha.
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