
Paanchthar, 27 May. Reforms and Management Kumar Subba, the next two years to make the country declared sukumbasimukta.

Sundar Lawati papohana Yasok forced upon former capital built during the unveiling of a statue coming to the country. Subba Minister directed the District Revenue Office employees squatters despite a challenging problem to solve in the next two years, even as they pledged to leave.

And implementation of land-use policy for its ranked claimed that after the squatter problem. Fixed assets are considered as real estate, he said the responsibility of the government to protect the record of efficient and directed by the security staff to the Land Revenue Office.

The implementation of the land-use policy and land classification on the basis of 11 have been imposed on citizens, saying the concept of using the Lotto. Subba Minister of the Land Revenue Office, bearing more corruption, saying the staff instructed to minimize the role.
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