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June 9, 2073- The Committee to elaborate on the meaning of the asulipachi Parliament decided that only the capital increase is different government agencies also sent a letter to Specific.

After the meeting the committee members to discussion of all the tax collector decided that only the implementation of the capital increase is different nature letter sent to government agencies. 'NCell garesakepachi all taxed only increase the company's capital, including the additional business plans / proposals to promote the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Information and Communication was directed to decide, "meaning the committee meeting on May 21, paved the official e-mails the letter reads. But, concerned ministries (finance, industry and the media), the authorities said they had received the Specific letters themselves. That provision is mentioned in detail by the Ministry of Finance only to see the letter, said the government official.

Udyogasaciva Surya Silwal the asulapachi only know that the capital increase has not been received said letter. "We have not sent anything directly to any committee. Means the Committee sent a letter to the Ministry of Finance has been received as Cc, "he said," that letter to the Ministry of Finance has stated that that provision is. The capital increase is not only spoken to asulapachi. '

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