
May 26, 2073- I read Paanchthar Darjeeling High School Class of exerting am Tweens started. There was a long struggle, finally started to run the Nepali medium schools. As my studies progressed, gradually began to live sahityatira juice. At the same time meet, Amber gurunasita. Ambarasita 2015 when he met budding musician had been. At that time I was reading intaramediyata signs. He edged modernism were holding music. New Bardewa that time our Tenzing climbed a mountain peak norgele 'singing was hot. Sings the popular song, different from those pertaining to the way that was used. Music has been caught ambarale modernity.

Amber are older than age two years. What I called cater bolaumthem ambaraji. He would say to me, nemvanaji. I then started to write the song was. He asked for the first time that I have given my song, twinkles not remember. Perhaps he himself wrote them that the best music filled †. He also became popular. The song 'Mark my tugging at the Po, skidded departure was'. His disciples, which were nayamkhale music, they also told ambarale. And moved me to write the song. I gave him 6 leaves and song. Among them 'come, come all remember' that song remained a special mention. The album sings in Kathmandu public 'when the wave when the wave "is included in the song. Next, came a loud thatalako peace, not the record that I do not know. Peace is also the best music composer and singer was. The lyrics of the song that I have.

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