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June 4, 2073- Parliament Development Committee has directed the government to emphasize the expansion of the Karnali River Road.
Bheri Karnali corridor and corridor construction committee Nepal Army (North-South Highway) after completion of the road network will be linked to all the district headquarters on behalf of the government stating that the content required to prevent deficiency is directed.

Committee President Rabindra Adhikari reached Karnali team led by field observation report also directed the government.
'In all districts road network reach is important, as soon as the remaining two districts of Humla and Dolpa headquarters also jodinuparcha, "President and said,' the report prepared by the Prime Minister's Office, Ministry of Finance, Infrastructure and Transport Ministry, the National Planning Commission, Parliament Secretariat sent. Now the government freely as it seriously. '
Committee meeting last April 22 in the Karnali karidoraantargatako Khulalu-laiphu Simkot and JAJARKOT-road track opening Dunai of Dolpa-the-spot inspection was
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