news from china

Nayām̐dillī: Bhāratīya sēnā ra praharīkō samūha bardīsahita hatiyāra bōkēra nēpālakō rājadhānī kāṭhamāḍaunsam'ma ā'irahēkā bēlā ciniyām̐ sēnākō ē'uṭā jat'thā nai chirēra bhāratīya bhūmimā tīna ghanṭāsam'ma basēkō cha.

Nēpālalē bhāratabāṭa sīmā atikramaṇa bha'irahēkō batā'iraham̐dā bhāratalē tyasakō ṭhīka viparita cīnalē āphnō bhūmi micirēhakō gunāsō garirahēkō cha. Bhāratalē cīnabāṭa āphnō bhūmi micirahēkō lagātāra gunāsō garirahēkā bēlā ciniyām̐ sēnākō ē'uṭā jat'thā nai bhāratīya bhūmimā chirēkō hō.
Bhāratakō aruṇāncala pradēśamā ciniyām̐ sēnākō 2 saya 50 janākō jat'thā tīna ghanṭāsam'ma bhāratīya bhūmimā hatiyārasahita basēra pharkēkō hō. Ciniyām̐ sēnālē āphnō bhūmimā tīna ghanṭāsam'ma kabjā jamā'um̐dā pani bhāratīya sēnālē pratikāra garna sakēna.Kēhī bhāratīya sañcāramādhyamaharulē bhāratīya sēnākō pratirōdhapachi ciniyām̐ sēnā āphnō bhūmimā pharkēkō dābī garēkā chan.

Bhāratīya rakṣāmantrālayalā'ī udhr̥ta gardai lēkhi'ēkō samācāra anusāra cīnakā kariba 2 saya 50 janā hatiyāradhārī sainika 9 junamā bhāratīya bhūmimā ā'ēkā thi'ē.

Cāravaṭā samūhamā bām̐ḍi'ēra bhāratīya bhūmimā pasēkā yī ciniyām̐ sainika tīna ghanṭāsam'ma basēkā samācāramā janā'i'ēkō cha. Tīna ghanṭāsam'ma āpha‍nō bhūmimā basēkā ciniyām̐ sainika bhāratīya sainikō virōdhapachi pharkēkō kēhī bhāratīya sañcāramādhyamalē lēkhēkā chan.

- See more at: Http://Annapurnapost.Com/News.Aspx/story/50671#sthash.2Fr2DCXf.IJBOWPax.Dpuf
NEW DELHI: The Indian Army and Nepal's capital Kathmandu, police group bardisahita time when the Chinese army weapons to a batch of camel Indian land is held for three hours.
Nepal-India border is being encroached batairahamda contrast, China, India and the land is micirehako complaint. India, China, the Chinese army when his land sidewalks constantly complaining, knowing that a batch of the Indian land.Chinese Army 2 hundred 50 people Pradesh, India arunancala crew returned to three hours sitting with arms on Indian soil. Chinese army took control of his land for three hours to capture the Indian army to resist the Indian army pratirodhapachi sakenakehi Media has claimed that the Chinese army returned to their homeland.
According to the Indian Defense Ministry, quoted by the news of China's nearly 2 hundred and 50 armed soldiers had come 9 June, the Indian land.
These Chinese soldiers rushed into Indian land spanning four groups of three hours sitting in the disaster. Three hours sitting in their own land Chinese military virodhapachi Indian soldiers are returning to the Indian media wrote.
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