rocket lunch
Rājanītika tathā ārthika svatantratā li'ēra tyō prajātantra janatāmājha upasthita hunēmā viśvasta thi'ē. Arkō arthamā tyō svatantratāmā sabai bālabālikā śikṣā, vr̥d'dha bā–āmākō svāsthya ra du'ī chāka hātamukha jōrnalā'ī utpādanakā sādhanaharūmāthi pahum̐ca vā rōjagārī ra sabaikhālē vipatabāṭa jōgina āvāsakō n'yūnatama ādhāra khaḍā hunē viśvāsa thiyō.

Tara, prajātantrakō puna:Sthāpanāpaścāt banēkō āṭhauṁ yōjanā ra tyasalē sthāpita garēkō nīti tathā kāryakramakō kāryānvayanalē vāmapanthī sōca'anusāra māthi ullēkha gari'ēkā ādhārabhūta adhikāralā'ī ‘rā'iṭa bēsḍa ēprōca’ kā rūpamā svikāri'ēna.

Sabai mānisakō bhāgya bajāralē nirdhāraṇa garnē nītimā chāḍiyō. Sarōkāravālākō bhandā pahum̐cavālākō ban'yō bahudala pani. Pām̐ca varṣa vyatīta hum̐dānahum̐dai āmamānisakō jīvana kaṭhina huna pugyō. Gariba ra dhanībīcakō khāḍala dēkhā'unē saṅkēta arthāt ginī guṇaka bahudala sthāpita bha'ēkō 6 varṣamai 347 aṅkabāṭa 473 mā ukliyō arthāt khāḍala 10 guṇālē baḍhyō.

Political and economic freedom and democracy with the people and were convinced to attend. In other words, the freedom of education of all children, the elderly Ba-the mother's health and access to resources are two meal to feed production or employment and housing all kinds of trauma was believed to be the minimum base stand.
However, democracy re-established policy establishment, and it became the eighth plan and implementation of the program mentioned above left socaanusara basic rights 'Right Based Approach' as ​​svikariena.
The fate of the market is left to determine policy. Within most locals also became concerned. Five years have passed, it became difficult humdanahumdai admonishing life. Indicating that the gap between the poor and the holes established in Guinea Within 6 years, 347 Multiplier 473 points in the ladder of the pit increased 10-fold.
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