study in france

Its members usually exerted by the experience, ability, interest on the basis of the related parties have been recommended. "Related person we desire, ability, experience, on the basis of the committee will send. He did not do well, if there was a complaint can be changed, "the Congress Parliamentary Party chief whip Kaji Shrestha said.

Chairperson of the Committee of Agriculture and Water Resources Congress youth leader Gagan Thapa said that he is aware that the bodies belong to the committee had decided not to join the personal work. Agriculture Ministry 'business Agriculture and Trade Project (PACT) before he became president, some feature has been treating the culprit written to separate the Thapa said.

"It is a question of moral values," he created a code of conduct in this regard adopt in the coming days with vigilance, "he said to himself, the Committee decided to sit swindling / job that should not be."

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