Even though the present system with sensors will be removed free of the problem. " Understanding these problems, such as Laxmi little useful to understand that his life be run.

Laksmisamga blind and yet has the same confidence. It is the same desire to read and write more. His desire is to provoke him, he wrote himself, read the school and who have been saved kapiharulai. Bujhaumchin mind on that sumsumaera. By writing down what kahilekahim chamaikai shows little daughter. The younger daughter says, Mummy 'Your letters are bamgatimga. Very much space elsewhere is khajamajieko. ' So that gives her her scales and says, 'skelale Dika penned by dragging and dropping while accusing wits to write.'

Padhasamma school to learn Braille characters may know as the Laxmi latharo her. Now, he has siknaiparne Braille. He was not able to escape, but the character hypnosis. Laxmi told him, "read the letter before the conclusion m UNMIN now

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