unbealivable ghost caught in camera

Asāra 4, 2073- sucanā tathā san̄cāra mantrālayalē analā'īna san̄cāramādhyamalā'ī'niyantraṇa' ra'niyamana' garna bhandai'analā'īna san̄cāramādhyama san̄cālana nirdēśikā 2073' pārita garēkō cha.

Nirdēśikālā'ī śanibāra sam'ma pani sārvajanika gari'ēkō chaina. Patrakārasambad'dha sansthāharulē bhanē nirdēśikā sanvidhāna viparīta rahēkō bhandai tyasalē prēsa svatantratā khumcyā'unē cintā vyakta garēkā chan. Patrakāraharukō antarāṣṭriya sansthā īnṭaranēśanala phēḍērēśana apha jarnālisṭa (ā'i'ēphajē) lē vijñaptī jārī gardai nirdēśikālē prēsa svantratāmāthī aṅkuśa lagā'una khōjēkō ṭippaṇī garēkō cha. Nēpāla prēsa yuniyana, pi|mḍama phōramalē pani vijñaptī jārī gadaraiai nirdēśikākō virōdha garēkā chan.

Sēnṭara phara miḍiyā risarcakā kāryakārī nirdēśaka ujjavala ācāryalē mantrālayalē pārita garnakā lāgi bhandai mantripariṣadmā paṭhā'ēkō nirdēśikākō prati pā'ēkō batā'um̐dai tyasamā prēsa svatantratālā'ī aṅkuśa lagā'unē bum̐dāharu rahēkō batā'ēkā chan. 'Mantrīpariṣadlē tyasamā śabda hēraphēra garēkō bha'ē chuṭṭai kurā. Hō'īna bhanē, yō nirdēśikālē svatantra prēsalā'ī kamajōra banā'unē pakkā cha', unalē bhanē.

Ācāryalē pārita nirdēśikā hērna pā'um̐ bhandai mantrālayamā nivēdana di'ēkā chan. Tara mantrālayalē mantrīpariṣadabāṭa ā'ēpachi kānūna mantrālaya paṭhā'īnē ra tyasapachi rājapatramā prakāśita hunē batā'ēkō cha. Unakā anusāra dartā nabha'ēkā analā'īna garna sakinē dēkhī ādhikārika srōta nabha'ēkō, bhrama phailā'una saknē ra antarāṣṭriya sambandhalā'ī pratikula prabhāva pārna saknē analā'īna banda garnē bhannē bum̐dā pani tyasamā samēṭi'ēkō cha. 'Nirdēśikālē san̄cāramādhyama banda garna saknē adhikāra sahasacivakō nētr̥tvamā calnē sucanā vibhāgalā'ī dina khōjēkō cha, juna khataranāka kadama hunēcha', unalē bhanē.

Patrakāra mahāsaṅghakā purva sabhāpatī śiva gā'um̐lēlē sārvajanika bha'ēkai bum̐dāharu nirdēśikākō rupamā pārita bha'ēkō bha'ē tyō āpattījanaka rahēkō batā'ē. 'Tyō nirdēśikā sanvidhānakō bhāvanā viparita ta cha nai, svatantra prēsakō avadhāraṇā viparita pani cha', unalē bhanē. Gā'um̐lēkā anusāra analā'īna san̄cāramādhyamakō kanṭēnṭakā ādhāramā sarakāralē kārvāhī garnē kadama sahī hō'ina. 'Sanvidhānalē nai miḍiyālā'ī kārvāhī garnē vā nargarnē bhannē adhikāra prēsa kā'unsila ra n'yāyalayalā'ī mātrai di'ēkō cha, yō nirdēśikālē tyasabhandā pharaka āsaya bōkēkō cha', unalē bhanē.

Patrakāra mahāsaṅghakā adhyakṣa mahēndra viṣṭalē pārita bha'ēkō nirdēśikā āphulē hērna napā'ēkō batā'ē. 'Yadi tyasamā sārvajanika bha'ēkai kurā samēṭi'ēkā chana bhanē tyō āpattījanaka cha', unalēbha nē. Analā'īna san̄cāramādhyamalā'ī niyamana garnē chuṭṭai kānūnī vyavasthā nabha'ēkō bhandai sarakāralē nirdēśikā lyā'ēkō hō. 'Yadī niyamanakā nāmamā analā'īnamā ā'ēkā viṣayabastulā'ī bargīkaraṇa garnē ra tyasaikā ādhāramā kārvāhī garnē kadama cālincha bhanē tyō sanvidhāna viparita hunēcha', unalē bhanē.

Analā'īna san̄cāramādhyamalā'ī vyavasthita garnē bhandai minēndra rijāla san̄cāramantrī bha'ēkai bēlā prēsa kā'unsilalē sambad'dha sansthāharukō sahabhāgītamā ē'uṭā prativēdana nai tayāra pārēkō thiyō. Kā'unsilakā adhyakṣa bōrṇabahādura kārkīlē tyahī prativēdanalā'ī ādhāra mānēra ahilē nirdēśikā banēkō batā'ē. Tatkālina samayamā ukta prativēdana kāryanvayana garna mantrālayalē sucanā vibhāgalā'ī ādēśa di'ēkō kathana pani unakēā cha. Vidyutiya kārōvāra aina anrtagata analā'īna patrakāraharu tānina thālēpachi nirdēśikā banā'unai parēkō unakō bujhā'ī cha. 'Bāhira hallā bha'ējastō prativēdana sanvidhāna viparita chaina, tyasalē prēsa svatantratā pani khumcyā'ēkō chaina',unalē bhanē.

Tara ujjavala ārcāya bōrṇakō bhanā'ī mānna tayāra chainan. Nirdēśikāmā dartā nabha'ēkā analā'īna banda garnē bhannē bum̐dā bha'ē pani tyasaikā ādhāramā sarakāralē pachi blaga pani banda garna saknē batā'ē. Kā'unsila adhyakṣa bōrṇalē pani samācāramulaka khālakā blaga chana ra ti dartā chainana bhanē tyō banda huna saknē saṅkēta garē. 'Nirdēśikā āphaimā āpattijanaka chaina, yasamā kēhī truṭī bha'ē sacyā'um̐na sakincha', unalē bhanē.

June 4, 2073- The Ministry of Information and Communication Online forthrightly 'control' and 'regulation' to saying, "The Universe online operation Directory 2073" has passed.
The guidelines were not made public until Saturday. He said that contrary to the Constitution organizations patrakarasambaddha directory Compressor expressed concern about press freedom. The International Federation of Journalists journalists, international organizations (BRUSSELS) has issued a statement trying to restrain the guideline press svantratamathi has commented. Nepal Press Union, p | m Dome Forum also issued a statement gadaraiai guidelines have opposed.
Executive Director of the Center for Media Research, the Ministry of bright Acharya said the cabinet to pass sent guidelines to curb press freedom and Per had said that the said points are worn. "Council and the term change would have to separate. If not, make sure this guideline is weak free press, "he said.
Acharya passed forth to see the directory, saying the ministry have requested. But the Ministry of Law Ministry after a cabinet to be rolled out and then published in the gazette said. According to official sources not registered online, you can not see, can spread confusion and adverse effect on international relations to the point that it can stop the online paradigm. "The guideline of joint leadership of the right to close a communication medium run is trying to give advice to the Department, which will be a dangerous step," he said.
The former chairman of the Federation of Journalists Shiva Gaule Public pass points as guidelines were passed that said that a whole. "The directory is against the spirit of the constitution is the same, is also contrary to the concept of free press," he said. According to the villagers the government take action on the basis of content online communication medium is not the right move. "That the Constitution of the media rights to be punished or nargarne Press Council and the Court has been given, this guideline is necessary to carry different implications," he said.
Mahendra Bista, FNJ president himself, to see the passage of the directory in rallies. "If the public is well covered doors, it is a whole ', unalebha has. Not a separate legal system to regulate online forthrightly brought to the government directory. "If the regulation in the name of a category and the same motif from an online action is taken on the basis of action, it would be contrary to the constitution," he said.
Organize online saying forthrightly pass PF Communications Press Council was prepared by the relevant institutions of a report sahabhagitama. Council President Borna Bahadur Karki said that the report made on the basis of the directory now. Then time to implement the report's statement that tomorrow, the Ministry of Information Department order. An agrarian electronic transaction online is the unfolding of his journalists had to be dragged to the lightning began directory. "The noise outside is not contrary to the Constitution seem to reports, he is not even thinner press freedom," he said.
But the bright Acharya said bornako not ready to accept. Were not registered in the directory online at the same point on the basis of that off after the government said the blog could be closed. Council President bornale also samacaramulaka doors and those kinds of blogs registered, it shall not be shut indicated. 'Directory itself is not offensive, it had to correct some error can be, "he said.
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