worlds oldest man

Agency, 13 May. Man 100/150 can live up to. We have heard of people who have lived for so long grown up, and so do we. But China is a person who lived 256 years.Li Jing was born in the province of senjiyana the person's name. He was a natural doctor and the treatment did jadibutiddhara. In addition, he also had martial arts expert. His New York Times and Time magazine about 1 9 33 had a itihasasastrisamga interview.

The document was found in an old jam jar historian A. cana. In 1827, in China, he said quoting the document 150 years old, happy birthday were given. He died at the age of 256 was.Throughout his life he had 23 people at youth. 180 of them were children. In 1 9 33, he died.
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