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July 10, 2073- President issued an Order Bhandari difficulty arises immediately after the agreement called for a new prime minister on Sunday for the parties she has. The Constitution is the provision of Article 2 9 8 antargatakai President within 7 days of the election to the prime minister on Monday called for political consensus gathered at her house.

Article 2 9 8 (2) on the basis of consensus of the selection period, the Prime Minister and Cabinet formation is the law. The supply of the constitution, first mentioned in connection with the convention, and that the new prime minister after the resignation of the prime minister was how to make the constitutional confusion. Up to the Cabinet on the recommendation of the President to facilitate the election deleted If anybody order was issued.

The president on Monday morning, the same Article of the Constitution to remove ambiguities issued such an order if she has called for the formation of a new government has told the evening. After the resignation of Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli, the transitional prime minister under Article 2 9 8 under pravadhanabhitrai to be selected by the Council of Ministers of the previous day had recommended upholding If anybody.

President Bhandari parties to the appeal by quoting the President's Office public notice reads, "Article 2 9 8 Article 2 pursuant to 7 days based on political consensus prime minister election is held and the chairpersonship of the Cabinet to form the parliament representing political parties to appeal to God."

The same dharaanusara UML Chairman Khanal 9 months had become the Prime Minister. This is just one article of the transitional government was to imagine that the ruling party interpretation. Consent clause in Article 2 and 3 on the basis of majority electing the prime minister is the law. According to Article 305 of the constitutional confusion reside unravel the president ordered her to continue.

"The next prime minister election to initiate a difficulty arises emerges," the commission said, "Nepal's Constitution Article 2 9 8 Clause 2 or 3 pursuant to procedure the next prime minister election to be the Council of Ministers on the recommendation of Nepal's Constitution Article 305 in accordance with difficulty arises sentences, order has been issued. '
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