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Horror local night waiting for a meeting urlikholakai Ward, coordinator of the Civil Forum karnakahadura Karki said. Tapeshwori electricity pole electricity line cut last night the 10 house and 15 house made free Karki informed that stuff out of the house. Induced Disaster Prevention Office, Bhairahawa, annuals embankments more than 20 a year, though spending has been the lack of effective settlement risk always.

Chief District Officer Kuwakot Rana River badighata long distance as possible whenever any flooding that may arise due to the lack of immediate control of a state are urged to take heed, said high.

Another way to stay alert, except for the lack of immediate security operations, said the administration kept by the alert. Burtibanabhanda Baglung from above badighata swept hundreds of hectares of agricultural land in various places Gulmi intersection as well as urlikhola, juniyako paramanandanagara, Majuwa other markets are also vulnerable.
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