story of ramayan

According to the Hindu religion as a villain known as Ravana. Ravan kidnapped the wife of another man, as captive by mistake. Many of their properties, and to discuss only about Ravan vice humdainana discussion about .But, Ravana was a mahapandita. Ravana in his time as the universe who knew not wise. Though very few people knew that. Anita had the power to Ravan penance. Ravan did his duty faithfully follow.

The only bad things in life as Ravan and his banishment ended. However, God himself was influenced by ramasameta jnanadekhi Ravan. When Ram and Ravan and ravanabica war was lost. Ravana falls upon the last breath of life were his grave. Then Lord Ram, Laxman, brother ravanasamga be successful in life if you come for the precious mantraharu learning. Laxman also dai doubt considered in order siropara Ravan with the. Ravan Laxman for a successful life formula 3 were reported. Laxman said that the success of a successful life for ourselves aunuhou Ravan 3 formulas:

The first principle is: Ravan Laxman as the first Sutra it is said 'subhasya sighrama'. This means that it is a good job as soon as possible the background and do bad taldai falling. Ravan said, 'I could not recognize Ram and his feet had been delayed. So I was in such a situation.

ravan 2
The second principle is: if any of the things Ravan seem insignificant and weak. Ravan said Laxman. When I asked for the gift of immortality bamhabata. At that time, I said that the man and the monkey to kill anyone except me finished. But, today, I remembered the monkey weak and despised all my army was destroyed, and I have this condition. '
The third formula: Ravan Laxman said Tuesday that the final clue that this is the secret of our life, it is never to speak to anyone. Ravan said 'forget it happened to me here that, vibhisana Privacy knew my death. I would not know him if it would not be the case.

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