
Minister Bishnu Poudel government and the people of the land, large-scale hydropower projects of energy production by joint venture development of the nation and the people have said that to maintain prosperity.
Youth Association Nepal on Monday held 'budget implementation, opportunities, challenges and solutions "concerning its interaction with stakeholders and the general public for the government's 51 4 9 per cent can be invested in shares has been provided. He said, "Now the people of his village, a place for the development of not attending Singha, for the construction of the local area related to the DDC and gavisamarphata people themselves are able to."
Minister Poudel entrepreneurial projects targeting the youth and their debt has been arranged on the basis of reasonable and objective plan stating if the government made clear that provision of loan collateral.
And Surendra Mohan Pandey, former program officer, a member of the National Planning Commission, Dr Sumitra Amatya, economist Dr. Kandel among topaz budget for the construction of large-sized look at this nation focused on its implementation of the constitution.
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