
We found that all of the onions in the kitchen do not have two. Cut onion tears come natural. But the accelerated body hidden qualities not give diseases to enter. The use of red onions vegetables is delicious vegetables. Therefore, strengthen your health, as the daily intake of onion.

KATHMANDU today that tell you about the benefits of consumption of onions short but are readily available information and awareness.

1. Accelerated to bind to chemicals and vitamin C in the body provides the power and freshness of the body is realized.

2. There is that element of accelerated kromimama who work to keep blood-sugar levels Lieberman assists balance.

3. Use the body to get rid of onion diseases be heard for centuries viewed and body are used to reduce infection has taken place.

4. You use your eating raw onion? If so, 1 raw pyajale bad cholesterol because of Lieberman assists keeps your heart healthy.

5. Another factor that accelerated kverasetena available as cancer is a terrible disease, to save a great role.

6. Place onion juice bee sting dalnale pain and pain disappear the moment to survive.

7. Onion intake and gastric ulcer will regularly take none, and stomach related diseases samco goes by slowly.

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