sajha sawal with ramchandra poudel

In 1 9 62 Saptakoshi Barrage built at that time was around 9 lakh cusecs of half the stated capacity of the water level. Located in Kolkata, India, Joseph and Company Limited Sun 1 9 1 9 62 52 to start the construction work in the Kosi barrage was completed. Kosi barrage and water control effort has become.

Kosi barrage was the building of the frozen river sand and a half at that time was 9 lakh cusecs capacity has been reported. Barrage Barrage was built only after 6 years of being the highest stage, was measured.

According to the Koshi Barrage recorded in the Control Panel 1 9 68 5 Barrage through October day more than 9 million 13 thousand cusecs Farthest water basins was. That was the day when the winds eastern and western Nepal that was shaken by the bridge connecting Casey barrage.

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