people are in favour of kp oli

Janakpur, 2 August. The first youth movement in the Terai Madhesi parties agitating in favor of the current government are spontaneous.
On Sunday, torrential rains flow to prove the Terai district for youths demonstrated in favor of the government led by KP Sharma Oli. Madhesi parties considered the stronghold of Janakpur free youths 'KP Oli and chanted' saying the streets to protest against him.
Youths "do-nothing parliament dissolved, new elections, declare ',' KP Oli government and chanted" slogan, saying that he had.
Vimal Shah, a young man in a rally and demonstration Oli development budget introduced by the government to prevent madhesamukhi India, saying the government wanted to cut the streets to protest against the said allowance. He added: "For the first time in the history of development budget has madhesamukhi. Meanwhile, the diversion, the Postal Highway, international airport and the construction of the environment of the development project phastra trayakajasta new government to stop the game it is going to doubt us. Oli, the Government should continue to be of major development. "
Shah Oli brought by the government of India development plan may not be implemented and the same for the camheko Oli accused the government mongering.
Janakpur sitacokasamma youths aware of the dissolution of Parliament do, Mid-Term elections, saying to the dissolution of Parliament had enormous pressure
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